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M-2200 Wagon for Double 1000 Gallon Tanks
The M-2200 is a rugged wagon designed for severe service and high capacity. It features 5th wheel steering with a 2″ diameter king pin, 8-bolt hubs, 16.1 x 11 wheels, a fixed track (86″), two safety chains, 4 x 8 axles, rocking front bolster, 2.50″ diameter type 1144 spindle shaft, and a 4″ diameter structural round tube reach pole. Options include: brakes, lights, extra axle clearance, extension tongue, cushion tongue, wider tracking, rubber torsion axles, several wheel/tire combinations, and tank access ladders.
N-2900 High Rise
With the N-2900 wagon, the front axle is designed with a pivot pin that allows the tires to adapt to the terrain in any position, straight or turned. Because the axle can turn completely under the axle can turn completely under the wagon frame, it is ideal for tight maneuvering in the field This wagon will accommodate twin 1,000 or 1,450 gallon tanks.
M-3200 Wagon for Double 1,450 Gallon Tanks
The M-3200 is a rugged model designed for two 1,450 gallon tanks. It features 5th wheel steering with a 2″ diameter king pin, 8,000-pound 8-bolt hubs, 16.1 x 16 wheels, a fixed track width (102″), two safety chains, 4 x 8 axles, rocking front bolster, 3.25″ diameter type 1144 spindle shaft, and a 4″ diameter structural tubing reach pole. Options include: brakes, lights, extra axle clearance, extension tongue, cushion tongue, wider tracking, rubber torsion axles, and several wheel/tire combinations.
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