These liquid fertilizer storage tanks are offered in several resin combinations based on the corrosiveness of the fertilizer being stored. KBK’s resins have been specifically formulated to increase the life of the tanks. KBK offers these tanks with a general purpose (GP), Isophthalic, and Vinyl Ester.
When selecting the resin for a fiberglass tank, it’s crucial to consider the specific requirements of the intended application, including the type of chemicals the tank will be in contact with, temperature variations, and other environmental factors. Consulting with KBK is advisable to ensure the right resin choice for your requirement. Additionally, the manufacturing process and the quality of the fiberglass tank construction play a significant role in its overall performance and durability. KBK utilizes the latest in automated manufacturing equipment and has the expertise you can trust with 48 years of tank manufacturing experience. Contact Fairbank Equipment today to find the perfect storage tank solution for you!
Multiple dimensions and capacities
Product specific resin
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